Monday, January 6, 2014

Do the #breakfastwrap 😉 1whole egg and 2 egg whites in a gluten free wrap with my morning cwafeee. Bit of a lazy breaky but first day back at work, hectic morning is an understatement. #failtoprep #fitfam #fitspo #fitmoms #fitmums #fitness #fitmomsunite #gym #gymmom #gymrat #gymratsunite #food #breakfast #healthyalternatives

Do the #breakfastwrap 😉 1whole egg and 2 egg whites in a gluten free wrap with my morning cwafeee. Bit of a lazy breaky but first day back at work, hectic morning is an understatement. #failtoprep #fitfam #fitspo #fitmoms #fitmums #fitness #fitmomsunite #gym #gymmom #gymrat #gymratsunite #food #breakfast #homecooking #healthyalternatives via Instagram by missnatray_j2f

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